
Cost...50g tobacco pouch(hand rolling tobacco)...ireland?

by  |  earlier

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Im irish and i know a pack of 20 smokes is Euro7.50 and i know a 12.5g box of amber leaf(a brand of rolling tobacco is Euro3.65 but how much would like a 50g pouch of amber leaf or any other hand rolling tobacco(drum etc)be (in ireland).P.S I dont smoke so dont give lectures in your answer please....for 50 years we've known of the dangers...your comments aren't going to magically make somone quit leave the smokers alone they'll quit if they truly want to




  1. If you do the maths,  12.5g costs 3.65 euro therefore 50g pouch should cost 14.60 euro.   There is no tax discount for buying in bulk.

  2. go to the store that sells the 50g bag and see how much it is.

    Why don't you just ask the guy at the counter how much the bag is then.

  3. I haven't seen any 50g pouches. The largest seem to be 25g and they cost approx 7.60 for most brands.

  4. drum 25 grm, samson and golden virginia sells at 8.05.

    50 gr is 16.10 but the bad nws for smokers is that the price is going up by 30 cent from the 1st of september. winfield and mayfair will be jumping the most to around 7.14 .amazing how much we pay as coming from africa a 50 g samson is 3 euro!! to the best of my knowledge amber leaf don't make 50gr. and if you buy 2 boxes of amberleaf u get the same amount of tobacco with more papers than the pouch for the same price. hope i helped

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