
Cost of Good size freshwater aquarium with plants, lighting, fish, gravel ect.?

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I want to buy a freshwater aquarium but I was wondering how much good medium sized aquarium with filter lighting, live plants, decore, fish ect would cost in canadian dollars




  1. cc womans prices are way way to high along with her idea of a medium sized tank

    on average a 29 gallon is a medium sized tank with a 55 being large and a 10 being small

    though as you get more into it you may get into even larger 100 gallon tanks but I am baseing this on your average fish keeper not your fish crazed nuts like myself

    if you looked at walmart you will find a 55 is around 180 the stand is 80 the lights and hood is 50 a filter is about 40

    if your going planted the substrate will run about 100 bucks for the good stuff and the plants between 60 and 80

    the substrate and plants I am refering to this site

    this is just a ruff idea if you check around you can save a lot of money buying used

  2. By medium are you thinking around 40-50 gallons? That would be medium sized to me. You can either buy the tank used of somewhere like kijiji, or buy and sell, which will cost you much less than brand new. Or brand new, you can try starter kits which are around $300-$400 for a 55 gallon. Depending on the decor you want will depend on price. I would honestly just buy some fake plants and then collect rocks from a nearby river or lake, rinse them and boil for 5 minutes. Fish you are also looking at price dependning on the store you get them from, and what species they are. So guessing all of that I would say you are looking to spend around $500-$700 for a 55 gallon tank with everything.

  3. As Cc Woman said, for a 55 gallon PLANTED tank, you'd be looking at around $500 in the end.  Kits are worthless for planted tanks, as the lighting is basically trash, and HOB filters are extremely detrimental for CO2 injection.  So far, I'm at about $600 on mine after considering the fish...  If you're looking for something in the 30 gallon range, the estimate should be around $200-300 once you, again factor in the lighting.

    Clearly Ilriffel did not add his numbers up, as his total came to $510, which is perfectly within Cc Woman's range.  Really, lighting for live plants would cost much more than $50 if you want them to actually survive-- for a T5 canopy (which is virtually essential), you're looking at around $100 for a reasonable output...

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