
Cost of Living in Mexico? What is the cost of living like in Mexico?

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Anyone know what the current cost of living is like in Mexico?




  1. Give it to Rhino..........

    I recive about a $2400 dollar a month pension and live like a king in Acapulco.

  2. i've heard from gringos.. they live very well as they were in US with 3000 dollar a month...

  3. I have lived in Mexico for 2 years now and some things are really cheap and other things are way way expensive.....computers and cameras and electronic equipment is some times 50% more...restaurants are great! and rent is great! any type of service is unreal...people are super cheap...boy that sounds bad ..but true.. a full time maid is about $50 a week...the average  full time secretary makes about $300 a are really expensive as well.

  4. check out this great free source i found with up to date world costs, including mexico....

  5. In Mexico, rents are generally about 1/3 what they are in the U.S .  Utilities are much cheaper.  For one person in a 2 bedroom house, the electric bill in a small town is less than $10.00 a month...higher in large cities.  Water bill is less than $40.00 a year.  Gas for cooking and the hot water heater is about $10.00 a month.  plumbers, electricians, doctors, dentists are close to 1/10 what they are in the states.  Gasoline is about $2.80 a gallon.  National health insurance for a person over 60 is $300.00 a year, less for younger people.  It is the low rent and utilities that is a big help.  Basic phone is $30.00 a month, wireless internet about $38.00 a month,satellite or cable TV about $50.00 to $70.00 a month depending on channels.  Car repairs are much cheaper.

  6. have tried three areas in Mexico so far, and each time has been a new learning experience.  I now avoid the so called “GRINGO” areas, as the prices and costs are unbelievable and continue to rise daily.  Many times a “tourista” will come here to my favored paradise, and because it's also a vacation paradise, they will pay whatever the local natives ask. “It’s only for two weeks, what the heck!" they say. "Let’s live a little!" Well ... not good for the local natives like me, so I'll keep my favored paradise a mystery for now. I live in a small publito (village) somewhere in central Mexico.  I am one of three “Gringos” here and we are followed around like ETs.  I’m guess that we are considered different, and many of these villagers have not seen one of us up close.

    I have a partially furnished two bedroom casa with a satallite dish on the roof.  My rent is $100 US dollars per month for this home.  I recently saw a four bedroom for $400 dollars per month.  Stay out of the expensive areas and you’ll pay what the locals pay.

      So, let’s recap:

    Rent $100

    Food $120

    Movies $8

    Water $2

    Electricity $25

    Bus Fare $24

    Dates $50

    I may have left something out, but you get the overall picture.  Just another day in Paradise.!!.

  7. it is very easy and cheap to buy a house, so people there dont have to be worried about paying rent, and the food is kind of cheap

  8. Some cities are more expensive than others.

    I'm from San miguel so I'm accustomed to the expensive life in Mexico.

  9. It all depends WHERE are you gonna live and under which conditions. I think the price comparison is quite interesting. However, cities are different. If you go and live in Monterrey, there's a big chance that you might spend even more money than in the US. If you wanna have a level of life comparable to the one in the US, expect to spend something similar.

    There's a lot of people that claim everything's cheaper, but that's nonsense. They go to the cheapest places and lower their quality of life. Some things are cheaper, some others are MORE expensive. Be aware, moving to Mexico is not a cost-saving experience. Another thing, people talk about "gringos" living in touristic places, but if you live in big cities, high prices are for everyone.  

  10. mexico's currency is weaker than the dollar so probably it would cost a lot less.

  11. Here is a list of items that was created by an electrical workers union for it's members:

    Here's some comparisons, see if this helps:

    Half gallon of milk: U.S. = $1.61, Mexico = $1.35

    One pound of butter: U.S. = $3.39, Mexico = $1.79

    Package of Tortillas: U.S. = $1.79, Mexico = $.59

    6-pack of Corona: U.S. = $12.00, Mexico = $4.30

    One pound of cheddar cheese: U.S. = $4.99, Mexico = $2.24

    One pound of baking potatoes: U.S. = $.99, Mexico = $.47

    One bottle of cooking oil: U.S. = $3.49, Mexico = $1.48

    One head of lettuce: U.S. = $1.49, Mexico = $.44

    One pound of apples: U.S. = $1.05, Mexico = $.81

    One pound of bananas: U.S. = $.50, Mexico = $.28

    Whole chicken per pound: U.S. = $.99, Mexico = $.81

    Can of tuna: U.S. = $1.69, Mexico = $.56

    Dozen eggs: U.S. = $1.06, Mexico = $1.08

    Nescafe coffee, 7 ounces: U.S. = $6.95, Mexico = $3.41

    Quart of 20w50 Quaker State Oil: U.S. = $1.48, Mexico = $2.49

    Bottle of shampoo: U.S. = $5.49, Mexico = $1.93

    1 roll of Charmin Toilet Paper, 133': U.S. = $.89, Mexico = $2.31

    Bottle of 100 aspirin: U.S. = $6.00, Mexico = $1.44

    Bar of soap: U.S. = $1.00, Mexico = $.54

    Dell computer, no frills: U.S. = $875.00, Mexico = $1019.00

    Month's rent for 3/1 in working class neighborhood: U.S. = $654.00, Mexico = $125.00

    Washing machine: U.S. = $360.00, Mexico = $557.00

    Refrigerator: U.S. = $399.00, Mexico = $501.00

    Stove w/4 burners and oven: U.S. = $449.00, Mexico = $603.00

    Panasonic 20 inch television: U.S. = $160.00, Mexico = $222.00

    Sony CD player with AM/FM radio: U.S. = $60.00, Mexico = $89.00

    Pair of Sandals: U.S. = $10.00, Mexico = $9.00

    3 pair socks: U.S. = $3.99, Mexico = $2.69

    Pair of Old Navy jeans: U.S. = $25.00, Mexico = $20.00

    Short sleeved man's shirt: U.S. = $12.99, Mexico = $14.35

    Kid's Air Nike shoes: U.S. = $39.99, Mexico = $17.85

    Ticket to a movie: U.S. = $8.50, Mexico = $3.40

    Lunch at fast food place: U.S. = $4.48, Mexico = $4.57

    I believe these are averages, so Mexican prices are likely to be higher in areas that attract a lot of gringos, like San Miguel de Allende, the lake Chapala area and beach resorts.  And Mexican prices may be lower in towns that few Norte Americanos go to.

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