
Cost of Living in Thailand

by Guest58244  |  earlier

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I am looking at taking some time out of my life and spending about 6 months living in Pattaya, Thailand. Can anyone give me insight into life in Thailand, The South Pacific, or Asia. Could you also let me know about the safety of the country the cost of living so on and so forth.




  1. Pattaya is fun place for players. Many prostitutes and losers are in Pattaya.  

  2. Well unless your Thai or over fifty and have 800,000 baht or have a job in Thailand or have 2,000,000 baht to invest, you'll only be able to stay in Thailand for 3 months maximum.  After that you'll have to move to Cambodia or Vietnam.

    If you stay in a hostel for $10 (335 Baht) buck a night you could probably live on $2500 for three months but that's not including drinking and girls.  An average hotel for 90 days will be about $3000 (1000 baht a night) a girl will run about 1500 baht or so a night with bar fines and a drink or two  ($50US).   If you eat on the streets for is about $1 or so per meal and bottled water is 8baht (.25). Its pretty safe just don't get too drunk without friends around and don't be a knucklehead and you should be fine.

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