
Cost of a vet consult in Australia?

by Guest67166  |  earlier

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Just wondering what other people pay for a vet consult in australia? And are you in a rural or metropolitan area?

My vet is $70 before travel & treatments. Rural area.




  1. Same, rural/metro area. Just got charged 2 hundred to get needle and some pills for my cat and then 3 days later had to pay 50 bucks to have the cat put down.

  2. really does depend on the vet you go to. Whether they ar e independent or there are more of that particular company also contributes to the cost. It ranges between $40 and $80 just for a consult here in a suburban area. It tends to become more expensive the closer you are to an urban area...however, some rural vets may be more expensive if they need to travel to you.

    Basically, if you go to an independent vet in an area not too large it will be an average cost ($50??)

  3. I'm in a metropolitan area and my vet is only charging $51 for consulting fee. It's still a lot of money but it's better than $70...

  4. i pay $50 for a consultation, that is, just seeing the vet. then i pay extra for medications or any other services.

  5. yeah my vet charges $48 for a consult and this is 15 min out of brisbane city. extra for meds or needles ect.

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