
Cost of backpacking south america?

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I want to go backpacking in souh america, starting with peru, and then ontinue for about 6 months. no firm plans on where else, and this decision depends partly on cost of travelling and staying in other countries. I want to keep cost to a reasonable minimum, staying in hostels, and travelling by bus. can anyone give me an idea of how much i should budget?




  1. why go if your worried about money?

    take your credit card and have the time of your life.

  2. Take a look at the Lonely Planet website. Under each country is a 'Money' section which gives you a rough idea of costs for accom, food and transport. That will help with your planning

    I can tell you that travel by bus was excellent in Chile, even overnight, but a flight pass might be useful (buy BEFORE you go) to cover some of the long distances. Ecuador was very cheap to travel around in.  

    What may bump up the prices is if you want to venture further afield such as to the Galapagos Islands.  If you do (and I certainly recommend it, if you have the money), hunt out Safari Travel (if they still exist) as they aren't tied to any one boat owner, unlike most of the other operators in Quito.  It was a few years ago now, but I got a great deal for an 8-day cruise on a small boat, plus flights.

    If you want to hike the Inca Trail note that you have to book way in advance now.

    Have fun!

  3. Two years ago I travelled to Costa Rica and it was very inexpensive. The most I ever paid to stay in a great hotel, usually with Ocean view, was $50 a night. Food and public transportation are very affordable. Private transportation is negotiable. I recommend the Lonely Planet travel books.

  4. How much you should budget depends entirely on where you are, what you are doing and what your travel style is.  Countries in south america do vary dramatically in terms of cost, you will find Brazil and Chile to be relatively expensive compared to places like Bolivia and Ecuador.  But as a guide you can live very well on $20 a day.  Less if you scrimp, more if you splurge.

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