
Cost of childcare for a toddler?

by Guest33522  |  earlier

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I've gone back to work part time and I need someone to care for my 2 year old for about 4 hours 2-4 days a week. How much should I be budgeting for?




  1. I charge $35/day so if it's only for 4 hours i probably would charge $20 a little more than half

  2. i just started paying a friend of ours who happens to be 17 to watch my daughters infant and toddler i pay her 4 dollars an hour for my oldest who is 2 and 5 dollars an hour for my youngest she only watches them 3 days a week while i work in the home so it usually runs around 4 hours a day so my weekly pay is a little over a hundred dollars this is so much cheaper than day care and its safe bc im in the house

  3. It really depends on several things:  Where you live, what kind of setting you want whether it be a person, home daycare, or center.  I would try to find a Mother's Day Out or maybe like a church preschool.  The ones here charge 100 a month for 2-3 days a week from 8-2:30.  i would call around and get pricing.

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