
Cost of fertility tests?

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I strongly believe i am UN-fertile even at the young age of 18. my fiancee and i have been trying to concieve for the past 8 months!! having s*x daily!!i mean there is a day or two a month we dont but we have been doing it LOADS!! (but im not complaining) my question is how much does it cost to get a fertility test done? for me and my fiancee




  1. It depends on what kind of test you're looking at and what your insurance would cover.  My insurance doesn't cover any fertility related tests, including blood tests.  Here are the tests and costs I had: hormone profile blood test ($600), 21 day progesterone ($100), HSG ($900), Inital appt w/ fertility doctor including an ultra sound ($400).  If I were you I would start charting my BBT (, if you are cycling normally that likely means you are ovulating.  What makes you think you are infertile?

  2. I would recommend you go to the website or call them at 1-866-LETS-TRY.

    They can give you ideas on the cost of tests and treatments, and if you have medical insurance they can personalize it just for you. Health insurance may pay for some or all of your treatments but it's usually unclear about what is and what isn't covered. Fertility Lifelines can give you benefits verification for your insurance. A Fertility LifeLines benefits specialist can help you verify what may be covered under your plan.

    Good luck! My husband and I going through the same things. I am fairly young (22) and my DH is 34. We have been trying since 2004. It'll happen- all we need are prayers.  

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