
Cost of italy - - those that have been?

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im going in Jan 08 so i was wondering to those that have travelled there - what was the overall cost of staying in italy not inclusive of airfares or accomodation and how long did you go for?

and also to those that have been in winter (specifically teenagers) what footwear would you suggest, something along the lines of converses but without the blisters






  1. It all depends!! Not much of an answer but it all depends where you are going in Italy.

    In short, the northern part of Italy is more expensive then the south. The bigger cities can be expensive, for example Milan , Florence and Bologna. Travel is cheap, local buses, metro in Milan is cheap. A ticket costs a Euro. You can get a 10 ticket booklet for 9 Euro, each ticket lasts an hour once you have validated the ticket.

    As for food, it depends on the place you got to eat, you can pay anthing from 25 Euro for dinner to 250 Euro. You'll need to shop around. As for drinking, wine is cheap but beer can be expensive.

    As for the weather, again it depends where you go. The south is mostly sunny and not too cold in the winter. But the north can get snow and sometimes a lot of it. The north can also suffer from fog and it can be cold.

    If I were you I'd budget 100 Euros per day to cover food, drink and public transport. BTW, their train system is excellent and not too expensive either, for getting about the country.

    Have a look at some travel web sites, Lonely Planet etc, to get more opinions.

    Enjoy your trip, it's a great place, I've there for a year or the north while doing some travel in the south.

  2. I'm italian.. well, during winter is quite cold here, expecially on the coast..

    i think in 18 days you have good changes to join your trip and have fun, i was in florence yesterday, is a really nice city...

    about your footwear.. well, i can advice you to but a good pair of strong gym shoes... i dont know if there you call them as the same of us "gym shoes"... but are really confortable, expecially to walk.. and even if probably you wont' mee to so much snow, is better if you take with you a good pair of snow-shoes..

    have fun..!


  3. well it is very expensive. when i was there last over the summer, 200 dollars got me 130 euro's. im lucky i dont have to worry about that stuff when i go though since i have my family there.

  4. Here is a link to the travel financials of my trip to Italy.  We were there for 28 days.

  5. visite the web-site

  6. The north of Italy in January is pretty cold, so I would not recommend Converse or similar... Get something warmer, like a pair of nice boots (they're quite fashionable here) or warm confortable shoes. You may find snow or frost in the morning and going around in a pair of Converse is the last thing you want!

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