
Cost of living in Al-Medina?

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Asalaamu Alaikum. My husband got an offer for teaching in the University of Medina but he's not too happy with the amount (I personally don't care about the amount as much as living the the Holy City). Can anyone tell me how much flats cost per month there or the cost of living? Shukran!





  1. If you want to live there for al deen then you will be dissapointed.  Most people there are not practicing Muslims, and I've seen men harassing women all the times I been there.

    Living there is exspensive, so hopefully he makes atleast 35 thousand US or else he will need a second job. Be careful when looking for an apartment because there are a alot of scammers who say they will rent you can apartment at a place near the masjid at a low price, and you give him the money, then you get to the apartment and find it is occupied.

    If you are White, wear gloves because if men see the White skin of your hands, youll face sexual harassment.

    During hajj, take medicine and do not leave your apartment until it is over, because hajis from all over the world bring there native diseases with them that they are immune to but Saudis are not.  Same goes with Makkah.  It happens every year and lots of people die from this.

    But keep in mind that Madinah is technically the most religious of all the other Saudi cities, including Makkah. So it is probably the best place in the entire country.

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