
Cost of living in Ireland ? How much would these things cost....?

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a loaf of bread

1kg chicken

a cup of coffee

six pack of beer

1kg of rice

1kg of potatoes

1 bottle of decent wine

1 dinner for 2 in a nice restaurant

1 fast food meal




  1. Bread: from €1.30 upwards.

    1kg chicken (filets) are about €8

    Cup of coffee. Irish people have yet to learn what decent coffee tastes like. Drink tea instead.

    Six pack of beer: €6 to €10, depending on what it is.

    1kg rice: Much cheaper in Asian footstores. And nicer. And plenty of them around now too.

    1 kg potatoes: Can't remember. I always buy a bag of 2.5 kgs.

    Decent wine: Expect to pay €10 upwards. Anywhere.

    Dinner for 2 in a nice restaurant: If you have wine, it's usually quite expensive. If you have 3 courses, expect to pay at least €60, and this is conservative. More if you eat in Dublin.

    Fast food meal: Don't know about the big names because I never eat there. Local chippers usually do a meal for about €4 to €6, depending on what you order.

  2. a loaf of bread-  ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚‚¬1.30ish

    1kg chicken- no idea

    a cup of coffee- in a cafe would be around €2.50

    six pack of beer- €9/10 depends what it is

    1kg of rice- no idea

    1kg of potatoes- no idea

    1 bottle of decent wine- €16ish

    1 dinner for 2 in a nice restaurant- depends where you go could pay €16 per meal

    1 fast food meal- depends where you go..


  3. 1?

    2 €1.50

    3 €12

    4 €2

    5 €4

    6 €12

    8 €40-80

    9 €7-10

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