
Cost of living in Perth? Advice please?

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Hubby and I moving to Perth from Sydney - would appreciate a little advice on the cost of living in Perth these days. Specifically, how much is it to eat out as a couple (no kids- yet), the cost of utilities per month (phones/gas/water/electricity), rent, any other ideas? Thanks so much...




  1. Its the same as Sydney pretty much. I moved here in June from Sydney. The rents arent too bad but you would have to move to the areas that are a little out of the city to get anything under $300 a week.

    phone gas water electricity is same as Sydney.

    The only real differences are: the public transport system, which is far superior to Sydneys, and you get a smartrider card you can top up with money and use on buses trains and ferries. Also the roads are good, and there are no tolls on freeways. There are lots of westfields and shops. The coffee shops here are called Dome and Miss Maid. Dome is kind of like Gloria Jeans but without the Christianity, lol. And Miss Maid is Swedish and serves gorgeous pastries and pies etc and its really nice. There is a supermarket called Farmer Jacks which carries a line called Harvey Fresh and it makes the best yogurt milk etc and pretty cheap too.

  2. The cost of living is pretty much the same as Sydney noways. Rent is about the same, water is incredibly cheap and gas isn't a problem in Summer but depends if your running a gas heater in winter but electricity is quite cheap. Phone bills arn't to high either unless you call mobile phones Otherwise it's 50c to make an unlimited call which is good if you have teens (8 hours on the phone is my record) food varys greatly and the price depends on quality. Eating out varies as well it can be $11 each or if you go to One World Cafe in Kardinya or the other one near the  Bell tower (long name which i can't remember) its free!  

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