
Cost of living overseas! Please answer!?

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Working as a nurse, what would be the salary and how much would it cost to live over there?

And, would they even hire an American nurse? ( I would get a Work Visa)

Feel free to add any additonal notes I might need to know about working/ living overseas.




  1. It's a bit unclear where you would want to work.

    Obviously the question of costs and visas depends on where you want to go.

    Overseas is quite a big place :-)

  2. Contact the royal college of nursing, they can tel you if your US nursing diploma is acceptable in the UK.

    Your salary would be about £20000 before tax, you get to keep about 2/3 of that, depending on where you lived your rent could be £60 pw (room in a shared house in a small town) to £200pw. Groceries - check out the tesco web site, but allow about £50 pw.

    Nurses in the UK can claim 'tax credits' - that is money from the government to top up their salaries, not sure if you would qualify.

    Private hospitals sometimes pay a bit more.

    If you want to come work in the UK do it for the experience because you are not going to get rich.  

  3. where is over there

  4. Hey,

    The cost of living overseas from the U.S. is very high because of our weak dollar. The Euro and British Pound are currently worth much more. If you are going to apply for a work visa, they are going to ask if you already have a job lined up at that given country. You need to be sponsered in the country in-order to gain entry, the reason for this is because they do not want people entering the country for free health care and so forth.

    They definately would hire a trained American nurse, you simply need to find a hospital and you will need to have a formal understanding of the language so you may work there. Living overseas is great! I'm obtaining my Master's Degree in England and I love it here. The price of things, not so much lol. Make sure you pre-plan everything before you try and go abroad, because food, weather, culture, driving, money, residences, etc are all different from how we know it in the US.


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