
Cost to Al Gore?

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We all know that Al Gore took a terriffic beating when it came to his spouting off about energy consumpsion and carbon footprints (his is/was enormous) But what I want to know is......

How much did it cost him to put in the geothermic well? the 36 solar panels? and re-wire his 20 room, 8 bedroom mansion? He must be crazy to think people can just do these changes.

(my sister looked into solar for her house (3000 sqft) here in Florida and it was $25,000.... and it would take years to re-coop the cost savings....

who has the money???

how much did Al Gore spend?




  1. Al Gore - has spent a LIFETIME - trying to propagate a philosophy that is based on arrogance and stupidity.

    It's the same ole - same ole.  Create a PROBLEM (that's not real) then propose a solution.  One, coincidentally that causes Americans to be LESS INDEPENDENT on foreign oil and the government.

    So how much did he spend?   Too much.

  2. I know you want to know what he spent, I can tell you what I spent.

    I am installing a solar pv system. I live in CA so I have great rebates. I looked into the sytem a few years ago and my out of pocket would have been about $40K. My system is a 4.7kwph system with 18 panels and is hooked into the grid, so my meter will run backwards when I produce more than I use. My out of pocket expense is $12K, I will alse recieve an additiona $2K federal tax credit. If electricity rates stay the same my system will pay for itself in less than 6 years and will reduce my usage by about 50%.

    If energy costs spike like gas prices, my system will be paid off sooner.

    So, the point I'm making is the cost is coming down, as the technology becomes more commonly used and is developed it will continue to come down. I am glad my state has made a commitment to clean energy and for those who can afford it they should make the commitment.

    CA is also increasing the energy efficiency requirements on all new construction. Contractors get to choose what features to add to a home to make them use less electricity and water. A new regulation was just passed this week to require greater efficiency. Energy wise homes save the resident money, so if the features are already paid for when you move in you recieve the benifit immediately.

  3. You have to own your own home.

    You need ample sunlight.

    Solar panels are about $5/Watt for a 12Volt system.

    I don't know how much Al Gore spent, but I would guess it really doesn't matter since Al Gore has become a multimillionaire since he created man-made global warming.

  4. To someone with real money,the cost of things is irrelevant.

    The rich are different.

    If you want to know the specific dollar value,either ask him or get an estimate from a professional. Do you really expect to get such an answer here at Answers? LOL  Questions are usually more general than that.

  5. For decades, environmentalism has been the Left's best excuse for increasing government control over our actions in ways both large and small. It's for Mother Earth! It's for the children! It's for the whales!

    But until now, the doomsday-scenario environmental scares they've trumped up haven't been large enough to give the sinister prize they want most of all: total control of American politics, economic activity, and even individual behavior.

    With global warming, however, greenhouse gasbags can argue that auto emissions in Ohio threaten people in Paris, and that only global government can tackle such problems.

    National sovereignty? Democracy?

    Forget it: global warming has now brought the Left closer to global government, statism, and the eradication of individual rights than it has ever been before.

  6. the cost to do these changes isn't so important, because they will pay for themselves over time. I'm just wondering what the h**l he's doing in there to have a $3000/month utility bill.

    Making these changes doesn't justify him wasting energy. Being green still means using less energy.

  7. al gore talks out his ***

    as you mentioned his footprint is huge

    and when he says a conservationist also,he served one of the rarest fishes in the world at his daughter's wedding to 100s of people.

    he should practice what he preaches

  8. Obviously not enough since his house is less efficient than the average home.

    In fact it uses 28 times more energy than the average home, but what does he care?  He's made a small fortune conning ignorant people with this global warming hoax.

    Solar panels take 10-15 years to recoup their cost, but why should he care when he uses our money to pay for them?  He'll reap the rewards later, but he doesn't care because his carbon tax scam will pay his electric bills and jet fuel costs anyway.

    If you're curious about a very efficiently designed house, look at the Crawford Ranch that Bush owns.  It saves rain water to use for showers and irrigation, plus the electric bill is about a tenth of the average due to using geothermal techniques.  Very smart.
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