
Costa Rica permanent residency?

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Hello Im from Costa Rica but I live in USA, my boyfriend and I are getting married soon. He wants the Costa Rica residence but for me to go to Costa RIca I've got to wait till I get my residency in USA, which it's take aroung 2 years. My question is can he apply for the Cost Rica permanent residence right after we get marry in here or do we have to actually live in CR. in order to get it? And how long does it take? I read the it's immediate permanent residency, but I can't find in the web how much time is the waiting. I've been searching and searching and nothis, please help!!




  1. Hola,

    I married a Costa Rican gentleman about 4 years ago.  We were told by the lawyer that we needed to be mnarried 2 years before I was eligible for residency.  But I believe you can apply and get a "tramite".  Before you leave the US he needs certain papers.  ie  original birth certificate, stamped by the secretary of state of the state he was born in, then stamped by the Costa Rican Consul closest to the place of his birth.  The last paper you will want to get is a police report from wherever he lives.   This is only good for a short period of time  so get that paper last.

    Bueno suerte y Felicidades

  2. You should contact the "Costa Rican Embassy" in Washington D.C.

    I am certain that they have a Web Site - probably something like - Costa Rican Embassy.

    Good Luck!

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