
Costa Rica questions?

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What are the general meal times there???...

&& do they eat large meals or small meals?

&& what kind of food do they usually eat in each meal?

do they even eat 3 meals a day like Americans?

I have to write a paper && I cant find these questions.





  1. All the information from Costa Rica you can find it at

    Good luck...

  2. hello

    there are 3 meals a day

    the amount of food depends on how much you would like to it, same in every country

    there are meats ,seafood, rice and beans

    when you said americans, do you mean people from puerto rico? or from  nicaragua,  so please let me know what part of america???

    thank you

  3. Generally people are going to eat three meals a day. breakfast (desayuno) lunch (almuerzo) and dinner (cena). They are typically going to consist of rice and pinto beans. Costa Ricans are not very creative when it comes to preparing meals as they are living in a country where eating is the main priority, not discovering fine food combinations like other cultures have. They generally eat a lot of chicken and pork, very typical of lower income families. On the coast fish like Tuna and Snapper and Marlin are very common and always fresh! Gallo Pinto is their typical breakfast which is a combination of rice and beans fried together with Lizano (a condiment sort of like BBQ but uniquely different) and sometimes they will add onions and cilantro. this is served with eggs and fried plantains (yummy my favourite!) and some choose to eat it with sour cream.

    Arroz con Pollo (chicken fried rice) is a very typical dish. Also a Casado (rice, beans, meat stew or filet, and mash potatoes or other vegetable. Very commonly you will see pumkin squash served.

    most typical fruits are watermelon, papaya, pineapple, and banana

    Meal times and portions are the same as in the US

    hope this helps.
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