
Costa Rican food?

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So my wife and I are taking a vacation to Costa Rica (San Jose) in the begining of next May. I'm not too familiar with the cusine of Costa Rica. I just need a breif idea as to what kind of food there is. Is it like grilled chicken and grilled steak type of stuff or mostly seafood? Do they have a variety of vegetarian foods? How are the desserts?

Thanks all.




  1. In Costa Rica you can find almost any food you like.  You can try our traditional dishes, like gallo pinto, tortillas, tamales, etc.  or you can go from Mc Donald's, Burger King, KFC to gourmet ethnic restaurants, from asian to peruvian and mexican.

    If you want the best asian cuisine, you have to go to Tin-Jo Restaurant in downtown San José, it is a mix of japanese, chinese, vietnamese and indian cuisine, and it has a vegetarian menu.

    Good luck and enjoy our food!!

  2. good choice coming here, im sure you will have a great time

    You can find any kind of food you want, although most plates come with rice, (difernt from us type), there are fast foods of course and so diferent restaurants that can offer an open menu

    As your coming to the capital you wont have any problem finding the dishes you like

    Have a nice trip !

  3. a very common meal that you can get in Costa Rica is called a casado. "A Casado is a typical Costa Rican meal consisting of rice, beans, fried plantain bannanas, salad and an entree of choice that may include chicken, beef, pork, and others"

    my mouth waters just thinking about this...all of the food that I had in Costa Rica was fresh and delicious. Don't miss the Gallo Pinto in the morning (a breakfast of rice and beans). They also have wonderful fresh fruit milkshakes. If you like Pinapple try the Pina con Leche.

    these meals mentioned are traditional dishes, but San Jose is very diverse and offers food options from all around the world.

  4. San Jose is a large cosmopolitan city where you can find almost any type of food you want.There are also many vegetarians and vegetarian restaurants in Costa Rica.

    Enjoy your visit to Costa Rica !

  5. everything is fresh. and if you go to a burger king at the mall its far from anything you would get here - healthyyyy-. it sounds like you're a pretty healthy eater. you should have no problem with the food. its pretty good
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