
Costco brand earth friendly laundry soap?

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I am thinking about trying Costco's Eco-friendly laundry detergent and I'm wondering if anyone has tried it and what they thought of it. I am now using Bio-Kleen and I love it, but I wanted to buy something in bulk. Thanks!




  1. Not sure if this is the same one, but I've been using one from Costco called Ecos, says earth friendly on it, says it has magnolia and lily oils and a soy-based fabric softener in it. I've done about 20 loads in it so far and it's been fine.

  2. I did not care for it myself....  However, as with all things that you purchase from Costco.  If you do not like it, take it back, and they happily give you a full refund, just keep your receipt!

    P.S.  I did not like it because I have sensitive skin!  I cannot use a lot of products  :(

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