
Costco....whats so good about it?

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I have heard that costco is starting in Australia recenetly...what is so good...and different about them?




  1. If you buy a LOT of one thing, you can get good prices.  Most of the time, I really don't but stuff from them for personal items, only stuff for the office.

  2. Will be cheaper and carrying just about everything you could want to buy it will save fuel and parking fees ~~

  3. They're a bulk wholesale club. Great if you've got a business that uses food or a very large family.

    Typically families don't need to buy huge amounts of bulk food unless they are stockpiling for a nuclear war or want to become obese. ;)

    Some people love Costco, some people think it's over-rated. Since I typically buy mostly fresh foods, Costco I can take or leave.

    You may find it suits your needs. Do note that you need a membership, or at least you did. Usually you must be a business owner/professional or be referred by someone who is already a member. I suppose some people might think of Costco as an "elitist" club. ;)

    These rules may have changed or be different in Aust. My advice to you is to check it out and go from there. I agree that the samples are said to be worth the trip. Go on a weekend with an empty stomach and sample away!

  4. if you own a restaurant or store, you can buy items in bulk for very cheap. They're also great if you have a large family so you can save money. Costco's great, you will most certainly be please. Btw the food samples are great

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