
Costs of salvia divinorum?

by  |  earlier

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What does cost range from in smoke shops? and about how many doses is it? If buying from online, what's the most reliable website? I need all info on it! Thanks.




  1. i have seen many online sources offering salvia but the prices are always pumped up, ALOT.  i can offer you salvia extract at pretty low prices in a safe way.  just send me an email at saying how much you want and of what strength and i will create an ebay listing for you to buy from safely.  or if you feel comfortable paying through paypal directly, we can do that as well and i will ship it directly yo you.  my prices are as follows...

    5x- $10.00 / gram

    10x- $12.00 / gram

    15x- $14.00 / gram

    20x- $16.00 / gram

    25x- $18.00 / gram

    40x- $22.00 / gram

    60x- $35.00 / gram

    if you are a beginner i suggest from 5 to 20x.  the shipping charge is $5.00 and you can order literally as much as you want as i am getting it straight from the farms in Oaxaca, Mexico.  Not only is it relatively cheap, but since it is a standardized extract, it has the same potency as any other extract from any other source with the same rating (10x 20x etc.)

  2. Have you tried salvia?  What was it like?  Why do you want it?

  3. The cost depends on the strength of the extract, what I've seen at smoke shops ranged from $30 for the weakest to $60 for the strongest. I don't know how many doses it was, but my friends and I have gone through at least 5 and there's still some left.

    I haven't looked online myself, though I know some people who have bought it online, unfortunately I don't know what websites they've used.

    Check out this website for more info about dosage/effects, they also have a nice section where people write about the experiences they've had with Salvia:

    Take care, if this is the 1st time you've tried a hallucinogen try to have somebody with you just in case. At any rate, good luck and enjoy ;)

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