
Costume Ideas? Anything beginning with "p", but for me there's a twist!?

by  |  earlier

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Basically, I don't have any time between now and the party to make/buy a costume, and anyway, its a large party with the chance things could go missing, so I don't want to take anything that I would deeply regret losing. I don't have an extensive wardrobe (which I regret now!), so it should be something simple, and most importantly, easy to party in!

here's an example: "Pupil"

White shirt, tie, black cardigan and black trousers

However, is this a bit too boring?

Please, please help! I don't want to seem boring!




  1. Go as a Pizza!

  2. xp  a Panda! nothin says party like a panda.

    0_0 or a Penguin! nothings cooler than a penguin!

    ^_^hope i help.

  3. a pineapple (joke) how about a paladin (hero)or a princess or a price if your a boy

  4. phantom

  5. pornstar

  6. mate,you have got to go has a Pimp,in fact a sixties pimp would be great,all you,ve got to find is some old sixties bell bottoms and the mad platform shoes and maybe a pork pie hat,i think that's what there called,,,,,,,,did you ever see a film called I'm gonna get u sucka,,,theres a pimp in that played by huggy bear  just model yourself on that,it shouldn't cost u much at all if you use your it man.

  7. Pastor



    Party Animal



    Pregnant Woman

    here are some of my ideas..


  8. Polgergeist....put a big white sheet on you & cut out eye & mouth about that??  are you sure you want to go to a party where your things might get stolen??  hmmm!!

  9. Party Crasher (where anything you want, and act annoying)

    Polygon ( several polygonal shapes are easily achieved with a rain poncho)

    Prep (roughly same outfit as pupil, but substitute khakis, and wear sweater around the neck)

    Plagiarist (either copy someone else's costume, or just copy what other people say)

  10. be pink. just dress all in pink!

  11. pupil sounds pretty unique!!

    i'd go for it if i were you!!

  12. Beginning with "P", here are some ideas-

    Parent-   wear a "My kid is an honor roll student" bumper sticker on your forehead...hahaha

    Paratrooper-  wear all green or black and camo make-up

    Picnic-  get a piece of wood or hard cardboard, cover it with a red and white checked tablecloth and picnic foods

    Party- be a walking party, carry a champagne glass, have streamers and confetti in your hair, have a noise maker you can blow from time to time

    Penguin-  Wear all black and cut out a white oval shape and wear it over your tummy area, walk like a penguin and maybe wear an orange beak

    P.I.- Dress like Magnum P.I. or Sherlock Holmes

    Pillow-  Get a large pillowcase, cut out holes for arms and your head and then stuff it with you in it also

    Pantomime-  dress like a mime and pantomime! Not sure if that counts as "P"!

    Pizza- the same idea as the picnic but dress up a round piece of cardboard to look like a pizza, your head can be a huge meatball!

    Puppet- Take 2 pieces of wood and nail them together, stick a coat hanger in it so it can be above your head and then run strings from the wood (shaped like an "x") down to your arms and legs, like a puppet on a string!

    Period-  dress like a black dot, a "period" .

    Pants-  Go to a thrift store and buy the largest pair of pants you find. Climb in the pants and stuff them also. Try to get a pair that covers your head! haha

    Panties- Go to a thrift store and buy the hugest pair of panties you can find. Wear all white or black and then put the panties on, hopefully covering your face (that would be funny) cut holes for eyes if you have to!!!!

    Preacher-  dress like a preacher, bring a bible, recite sermons etc.

    Paranormal-  just wear all black and play eery music or wear a sheet like a ghost

    Psycho-  walk around chanting "red rum" and make yourself look all nutty and crazy

    Panda-  paint your face white, wear black ears, wear a white tank top over a black long-sleeved shirt

    Peacock- see if you can find a bunch of peacock feathers(try looking in a  Thrift store, costume shop, dollar store? ) and staple them to your rear end like a Peacock

    Player- walk around saying pick up lines and handing out your phone number

    Peep- be an Easter peep, wear all pink or all yellow, accent your eyes with black

    Polka dots- say you're "polka dots!" and just wear all the polka dotted clothes you have

    Pac Man-   Cut out a big yellow circle and make it look like Pac Man then pin it to yourself

    Package-  take brown shopping bags, cut them flat and wrap a box with them inside out, like a brown package and tie with string  cut out the bottom and make holes for your head and arms

    Paris-  Find a plastic eiffel tower and glue it to the top of a hat  and wear the hat or pin it to your head lol

    Preschooler-  wear a diaper and baby looking t -shirt, also wear  baby accessories, Rugrats

    Painting-  Get a big painting at a thrift store or yard sale, the uglier and cheaper the better! Wear black and then either wear the painting around your neck or hold it.

    Pacino- Walk around saying " you talkin' to me?" and say you're Pacino  hahaha

    Pedestrian- Make a yellow pedestrian crossing sign and then hold the sign

    Papparazzi- carry a camera and click alot of pictures hahahaha

    Past- either wear a t shirt that says yesterday on the front or carry a sign that says "yesterday". When people ask what you are say you're the "past" hahaha

    Prince or princess- dress like a prince or princess by wearing a crown

    Popeye- wear a sailor outfit and hat and say ugh!ughughugh! all the time, carry a can of spinach

    Pimp-  dress with a long jacket, fur, gold chains, fedora, pimpish clothes

    Plate- a fashion plate!-  staple or tape paper plates all over your clothes

    Phierce (fierce)-  Wear a sign on your shirt that says "phierce" and just tell everyone you are "fierce" in a super g*y voice

    Poor- wear raggedy clothes, mismatched shoes and socks, messy hair, and a tin cup for change- tell everyone you're "poor"

    Physician-  wear a white lab coat and wear a stethoscope

    pie- hold a sign or wear a shirt that says the equation for pie E=Mc  squared or however that goes.....

    Hope I gave you some good ideas at least! Good luck!  

  13. pirate


    postman (pat)

    police man/women

    i think u should go as a pupil it is not boring and you could go with your uniform all wrong  

  14. has good prices for all holloween costumes and any other cotumes we need. they got almost everything!

  15. Perhaps, a Pharmacist who prescibes pills form a prescription pad.

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