
Costume for "ali baba" theme party?! HELP?!?!?

by  |  earlier

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This one has snuck up on me - its now only 3 and im pretty busy this week so time, money AND inspiration are pretty thin on the ground!!! Any ideas (including pix if poss but not a necessity) for me or my husband would be much appreciated!! thanks. p.s sorry if this is in the wrong section - not sure where to put it!!!!




  1. Grab some old curtains and get wrapping a c**p beanie belt thing should keep the headdress in place and bean necklace for your hands to play with and look mystically clever and gravy for your face

  2. a belly dancer. anything from the movie "Aladdin"

  3. ali baba ali baba

  4. do you have a long gipsy style skirt??

    if you do then just wrap a golden waistband around it

    and then where a short shirt or tube top so that your belly is shown... and tie a golden band at the bottom of the shirt..

    or if you don't have a short tank top... then just get a normal one and tigh it higher than your belly...

    if you have time add some dangling beads on the bottom of the skirt and top or just one of them... (but i don't think you do)

    get your hair straight.. and tie a small golden headband around your forehead (that goes under the hair)

    or a golden or whatever colored scarf around your nose and mouth so that we can only see your mouth...

    and if you have like dozens of these thin metal bracelets (preferably.. yes... golden) then wear these... and a ring..

    some low heals or classy flip flops (or the one toe kind)  would look good with that!

    for your husband... i don't know... shirtless with baggy shorts?

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