
Cosy Nights In With Motorcycle Racer Wanted !!?

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What better place to ask !!

Does any of you Motorcycle Racing Fans

have any recommendations of a good

DVD for a cosy night in ????

Seeing Mr Proc's link of the 'Lucky Seven',

reminds me of the film 'The World's Fastest Indian'

- which tells the fantastic true story of

Burt Munro - which I shall be watching

again later tonight (thanks Proc).

Any other Films / Documentarys any of you

can recommend ???

Pleeeeazze leave out 'Silver Dream Racer'

(im in doors's fav film) - sat throught that

film now over a million times - whenever

HE watches it - WE end up coming out

of motorcycle racing retirement !!!!!!




  1. Evening girl racer,

    You may find a copy of the Steve McQueen film in MCN - or even in their listings as they have a "what's on the box section" every week (if not ebay should do it)

    I love that old George Formby film too, the Wild One is always worth another watch, and the Fastest Indian is an instant classic!

    One I would WARN YOU ABOUT is a British film called "Free bird" which hasn't really had a proper release here. (No surprise there really!)

    It has Phil Daniels & some other Muppets who can't act (except like twats!) in it and the plot (?) is about a road trip to Wales to rip off some drugs - sounds like a winner doesn't it - but it is the dullest, trite cringeworthy bunch of a.r.s.e. I have seen in years! AVOID AT ALL COSTS!

    One you may not have seen which is worth a chuckle is "Psychomania" an old British B movie, shot (coincidently!) right where I live, about a bike gang where all the members have to kill them selves and come back to life to get in the gang! It has Beryl Reed in it too - how could that not be a corker!

    Enjoy the night in with the old man - nice to have a man on hand and not have to go out for one - innit!  ;o)

    p.s.  What about Quadrophenia? Mods & Rockers plus Phil Daniels before he thought he could act, then there's them 2 recent American fillums - Torque & Biker boys, complete tosh but a few nice bikes and some male totty in leathers, could be worse!

  2. george formby film about the tt races in the isle of limit.................made in 1935............a classic

  3. whos ouit?

  4. I like the Steve Hislop's 120MPH lap of the Isle of man.  I know there is others out there now, But I still find this on of the best.

    Easy Rider always brings a little tear to my eye at end. if you want a weepy.

    other than that its watching U-tube clips of everything you can remember.

  5. On any Sunday

  6. Faster the movie. or the Worlds Fastest Indian

  7. Something a bit outside the square you may be thinking in is 'Dust to Glory'  more documentary but quite a good look at desert racing.  Got a copy for my son.

    My youngest just completed the Hattah here in Australia just this weekend and won his section.  His first attempt at enduro.  Very grueling riding flat out through desert.

    Just a suggestion.  Enjoy whatever film you pick.

  8. Any of the Ghost Rider DVDs are fun to watch, the latter ones are the best as the camera work is much better.

  9. 'V Four Victory' by David Wood.I think it's mid Eighties.

  10. "Little Faus and Big Halsey"

    Robert Redford is a motorcycle racer in this one. From the early '70's.

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