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anybody used this couch-surfing website much? Is it any good or should i not bother giving away personal info for it.




  1. what website?>

  2. no

  3. Hey, i wouldn't do it myself as i'm travelling with my girlfriend.

    If your a girl on your own i wouldn't recommend it, depends how comfortable you are around strangers.

    I have heard good a bad stories about it. Good is that its free, you get a local guide to show you around and make some good friends out of it.

    The worst i've heard is a friend of mine was sleeping in the spare room and woke up to see the guy who owned the place watching her sleep - not good.

    I think it works on an ebay style feedback system - if someone has good feedback then it should be ok - i'll say most of the people on there are ex-travellers looking met new people and shoe off their town.
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