
Cougar/Mountain lion/bobcat in the backyard?

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I think we have a cougar, mountain lion, or bobcat in our backyard (we live in Texas where everyone has about an acre of backyard) what should we do about it? Shoot it? Trap it?




  1. The big cats of North America are endangered - no need to shoot it unless it attacks livestock or people.

    Perhaps contact Animal Control in your area to see if they can trap it and release it farther away from people.

  2. Whatt, don't shoot it!, what a jerk, call the police or fire department and let them handle it.

  3. Report it to animal control, and try to get a picture of it for verification.

  4. You cant do anything without first checking with the Texas Game and Fish.  All big cats are protect.  You need permits or licenses before you can do anything.  I personally don't understand  why you feel threatened.  I have bobcats on my land and have never felt anything but pleasure at seeing one.

    Leave the wild to the wild.

  5. It could be an Ocelot or a jaguar or a jaguarundi. Don't shoot its really rare in Texas and it illegal to shoot them. And the cat are more scared of you then you our of it.

  6. Leave it alone.

  7. "Whatt, don't shoot it!, what a jerk, call the police or fire department and let them shoot it"

    (I thought he was about to say that lol)

    If it was me, it'll scare it off with my Airsoft guns, you cant kill them but you can shoo them off. Unless it attacks u then ur f**cked.

  8. shoot it then mount it on your wall\

    cold_ferarrr your answer made me bust out laughing

  9. If you cannot tell the difference between a cougar and a bobcat its probably the nieghbor's dog. Besides, I live in Texas and I have 20 acres in my backyard.

    Leave it alone.

  10. Nothing ..... it will go away on its own. An acre is way too small of an amount of turf for even a bobcat, let alone a cougar/mountain lion to hang around on for long. Most likely it's the neighbors house cat, lol.  If it's been in the same position in your yard for months, it could just be one of those cement statues.

  11. Cougars and Mountain Lions are the same animal, but bobcats are very different.  WHY would you shoot is a wild animal out in the wild where it belongs.  Leave it alone and mind your own business.  I have bobcats, bears, cougars, raccoons, skunks, coyotes, foxes, etc. in my yard and I don't interfere with them..I leave them alone and they leave me alone. I actually enjoy watching wildlife in my yard..what a concept, huh??  Also, it is very likely illegal to kill a wild animal without the proper license and permits.

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