
Cough medicine for a 15 month old?

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Is there anything OTC i can give my 15 month old for his cough?

He cant see the dr till Monday and he has a dry cough that keeps bothering him.

Any advice on natural remedies would be nice as well.





  1. Try Motrin...(read the label on the box) i know they wont give you Benedryl OTC, the dr. has to give it to you.  My nephew is 15 months too.  we had to get it from the dr.  

    Call the 24 hr. pharmacy they may help.

    Does the Dr. have an on call emergency #?  Try that?  they should re-route the call to the medical center so that you can get help.

  2. Triaminic Red, that is what my doctor told me to use for my son who is also 15 months. Any cough medicine was said to be bad for any infant, but triaminic has taken out the sudafedrine (sp ??) so it is totally safe for infants now, this should help w/ cough. Hope this helped.

  3. First put a humidifier in his room, A cold air one preferably.  Then Vicks rub works good, but put it on his/her feet and then put sockies on.  Keep your baby as well hydrated as possible.  As far as OTC medicine, well they don't really recommend that stuff for children that age, mostly because the safe dosage isn't really known.  I feel better safe than sorry, If your baby was older I would suggest robitussin...but since so little...I would just stick to the above suggestions.  If your baby seems to get worse, you could always take him/her to the ER.  Good luck, and here's wishing your baby feels better!  Oh and infant tylenol works good, because alot of times they have aches and pains that they can't tell you about, that accompany a cold.  Take care:)

  4. Try Children's Delsym. It works great. They have orange and grape (my kids love the grape). Its very safe. You should probably give him about 1/4 a teaspoon. I very seldom have to take my kids to the doctor. Mostly only for shots. This is a great cough suppressant for small children. I always have some on hand.

  5. It's probably allergies.. I have 2- two year olds with a cough and allergy medicine works. Im not sure what brand for babies, but if you go to the store Im sure you'll be able to find one.   Natural-- maybe Tea (he's still too young for Honey).

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