
Coughing alot! Green mucus!?

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What could this be. A little over 4 days i have been coughing. A lot. Greenish yellow globs of mucus will come out. My glands feel swolen. and i wheeze just a little bit at night time. i am going to my doctors tommarow to hopefully find out. Help. Any ideas?




  1. I'm not a doctor so I can't tell you what you have, but it definitely sounds like an infection of some sort.  The doctor will be able to give you the specifics and treatment when you go tomorrow

  2. You have a respiratory infection.  The cause could be viruses or bacteria.  It's good to check with a doctor, because the treatment is different depending on the cause.  While you're waiting to see the doctor, you can do a few things to make yourself more comfortable.  Drink lots of fluids to keep from getting dehydrated ... not soda pop, but water and fruit juice and maybe Gatorade.  You can eat a popsicle and let the chunks melt against the back of your throat to reduce the swelling in your throat glands.  Take a decongestant like Pseudoephedrine to reduce the wheezing.  Decongenstants are better than antihistamines, because you're not having an allergic reaction.  Antihistamines will just make you drowsy.  In the USA, you have to ask for pseudoephedrine directly, they have it behind the counter because people were buying it off the shelves as starter chemicals for cooking up methamphetamine.  But you can still buy it over the counter.

    Another home remedy I use is garlic, but it's not as effective after the infection has taken hold.  When I feel signs of an infection coming on, I take some fresh garlic, mince it fine and wrap it in a salami slice (because it burns just to eat it by itself).  Another way to get the raw garlic in is to put it in a green salad.  The point of this is to get the garlic essence all over the back of the throat.  It kills the cold virus on contact, so this makes your throat an unattractive place for them to set up housekeeping.

  3. You have a chest infection.  The best thing you can do is see the doctor.  I am sure he/she will give you antibiotics.

    In the meantime, try and cough up what's on your chest.  Talk to your doctor about taking a cough expectorant.

    Wheezing usually happens as a result of constriction of the airway.  If it is cold in your part of the world, it is common to get a wheeze at night (generally the coldest part of the day).  You may be a bit asthmatic.  Tell your doctor about it.

  4. sounds like and upper respitory infection.

  5. Pneumonia, bronchitis, upper respiratory name a few.

  6. well : it sounds nasty if Respiratory & Diseases answers

    Diseases & Conditions  should be checked for Bronchitis  because that can lead into Ammonia a very Serious germ but recomend a

    cure with Vicks Vapor Rub or Niqul  so you can get some goodnites

    Rest also please ! Call your  Family Doctor incase of a fever plus take

    2 Advils only for headaches and drink plenty of Fluids

    try Vick's Thera Flu  that works better

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