
Could 360 be the worst console in history?????

by Guest33812  |  earlier

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I mean it sucks, losing in weekly sales now..........losing consoles from RROD.........I think it is a big failure




  1. no ur wrong wanna no y cus ya r ur stupid fr even saying that

  2. You're obviously too young to remember Pong.

  3. your face

  4. of course it isnt

    is one of the best console ever

    like the ps3 and wii r one of the best


  5. No the worst is the Sega Dreamcast

  6. It actually isn't. The 360 is selling less because it has been around for a ling time. It is selling quite well. The ring of death isn't as much of a problem any more. The 360 is outselling the PS3 in some areas. I do check There is no reason to bash the 360. If you don't like it, don't get it.

  7. Maybe you need to check your charts man, Microsoft is a Multi-billion dollar business, and you think Xbox isn't making any money? PS3, has hardly 100 games right now, while Xbox 360 has at least 400. The only downfall to the xbox is paying for Live, and the hardware problem, (Red Ring of Death) PS3 (which i have as well) is not the best system in the either, but it does not beat xbox, i use the PS3 as a blue-ray and that's it, because it sucks for playing regular games. You also need a LCD or HDTV to truely enjoy the experience. Wii by far is more family fitting, it's up there with Xbox, but does not top it. It still is a very good console. The PSP is great because of the low cost, but the graphics suck, but, as well, it is still the best hand-held system at this time. Xbox tops it out, then Wii, PSP, and lastly PS3. (in my opinion)

    for the record, Nintendo hand helds cannot compete with the consoles at all, I really have no idea if you're trying to act smart by saying that, but it's foolish to say...

  8. no I don't think so, it's one of the best, way better than Wii and PS3, plus it has the best game selection out of the three

  9. Please, just stop. I don't have a 360, I have a wii and PS3, but just stop this c**p, please.

  10. i second the motion of the dreamcast i mean come one what was the point lol idk anyone who ever had one  

  11. listen buddy, if u don't like it don't buy it but the 360 is the greatest thing that's ever happened to humankind and since you are so fond of charts, i recommend you check out the charts for the opening few weeks after these consoles were released. And if people buy the PS3, then it's their wish but they sure are missing out some great fun.

    And don't waste your 5 points on such a dumb question


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