
Could'nt the republicans find a women with a stronger record than Palin?

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They must not have that many women politicians in their party so they pick the beauty queen from Alaska.




  1. Ok. Now c'mon. Palin is a hockey mom. Do we really require anymore experience than that?? I bet Biden never was a hockey Mom. That, on top of being a former beauty queen, makes her the best candidate ever. Plus, she's governed the equivalent of 1/5 of Chicago's population so she's totally qualified there too. I don't think this is an issue with anyone being intimidated by a strong woman.

    Did someone really say she has more experience than Obama? Let's take a closer look at that.

    Obama was a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School, where he served as president of the Harvard Law Review.

    Palin was a high-school basketball star. She earned the nickname "Sarah Barracuda" because of her intense play.

    Obama worked as a community organizer and practiced as a civil rights attorney before serving in the Illinois Senate from 1997 to 2004. He taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School from 1992 to 2004.

    Palin won the Miss Wasilla beauty contest, then finished second in the Miss Alaska pageant, at which she won a college scholarship. In the Wasilla pageant, she played the flute and won "Miss Congeniality."

    Obama was elected to the Senate in November 2004 with 70% of the vote.

    She may even have more bite to her bark. Back in Wasilla, a town with less than 10,000 people, where she was Mayor, she fired a well-liked and supported police chief for not supporting her political administration. What a go-getter she is. Palin strongly supports drilling for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and she denies that global warming is caused by, or helped along by, human activity. She opposed listing of the polar bear as an endangered species, and supported a controversial predator-control program involving aerial hunting of wolves.

    Yeah, now that I think about it, I think Palin has much more experienced and is more qualified - plus, she has a v****a AND a lifetime membership with the NRA.

    Perhaps it would be best for us to take the word of the people she's already overseen.... In Alaska, the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner published an unsigned editorial that opined Palin "is not ready for the top job." If her own state, which again has a population the size of 1/5 of Chicago, isn't backing her up... why should any of us?

  2. Yesterday there were quite a few people asking me the same thing. After all, the Democrats had selected a strong, intelligent, accomplished woman in Hillary. Hillary supporters are very upset that the Repubs think that Palin is comparable in any way whatsoever to Hillary. The only thing that they have in common is a v****a. Nothing else. If McCain wanted to run with a woman, it would have made far more sense to select somebody like Elizabeth Dole or Condoleeza Rice, both of which have more experience in national and international politics.

    I think this selection reflects on the McCain's ability to make a decision.

  3. Love how you're threatened by a strong woman.  You guys did it to Hillary as well.  Obama supporters are no better then thugs.

  4. Yes they could of but Rove pick this one just like he pick Bush.

    Bad for the country.

  5. I would be happy if McSame would have picked somebody known by anybody.  

  6. And what was it you said was Obama's experience?  What, what I didn't hear you.  And he's running for president!  What was it, huh I can't hear you.................

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