
Could Amanda Knox, the American student be be innocent of murdering Meredith Kercher?

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i think its a possibility. Though she may be guilty of leading a prosmiscuous lifestyle fuelled with drugs, its possible she didn't murder Meredith. The reason why she kept changing her story is simple...she may have been too wasted to realise what was really going on & too spaced out to care.

Please be objective.




  1. No.  Read the evidence.  Guilty.

  2. the poor girl is definitely innocent and should be sent back home to her family as soon as possible.  Hopefully sense will prevail and this will happen lets hope so.

  3. Not once has she said I miss Meredith Kercher,its been me me me and I coming from her mouth. Knox is in what you call self preservation mode. Even during her last testament she thanked everyone including the prosecutors trying to appease them, but not once said she wish it never happened. I'm glad she is guilty because if she won she would become rich over here laughing it up while doing "If I done it" books like O.J.

  4. wonder why so much media it becz its a multinational case??

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