
Could Americans please?

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Pay back all the cash we have lent you and stop defaulting on your mortgages and then we would not be going into recession as well. thanks Gordon Brown (English (Scottish)Prime Minister)




  1. No one bought into the great credit bubble scam more deeply than Tony Blair and his sidekick Brown.  Made things look good for a while all that 'free' money.  Time for everyone to pay it back (now that no-one believes that anyone can).

  2. May I point out to all those Americans who persist in believing that you rescued us from Hitler, that we stopped him ourselves, just. He got the channel islands but not the rest. Hitler declared war on you just after Pearl Harbour, not you on him.  Yes your efforts were key to the liberation of the rest of Europe, but we were never rescued, and all the food and material we "borrowed" from you was paid for.

  3. How much do you think we should, retroactively charge, for protecting you from Hitler?

  4. Ha ha.

    As soon as Britain pays the bill they ran up for our troops to pull their collective butts out of WWII

  5. No.

  6. Yes, as the first poster said we've decided to retroactively charge a full dollar on every dollar for your WWII loan, instead of 10 cents on the dollar.  And you thought you had that paid off....

  7. Sorry Bobby my boy Those were invested dollars Y'all rolled the dice and lost

    About 2 % are in foreclosure or near it Many were what we call flippers,investors hoping to turn a fast buck and most of the rest were people who should have never have owned a home

    Home prices shoot way up and everyone thought it was only their homes  and they were rich

    But need not worry this correction well soon end In the mean time y'all having fun? Getten your cushion pushen in Does your bedroom smell like a fishing boat than good for you

    Yahoo we be having fun now Y'all know you had a good time if you can't pull the sheets apart Forget this gentlemen c**p make her sleep in the wet spot That way you get to hit the head 1st in the morn

    Bobby i want to help y'all out Always leave a tuna sandwich on the nite stand it's a good cover

    Bobby Bobby We Texans get more as# than a toilet seat You have seen Mr Bush walk legs far apart rolling his body that Texas smirk on his face There a reason for that

  8. Can you wait a while mate?  Things are kind of tough on this side of the pond.  Could you spare a quid or two?  even a pence or two would help.

  9. So the Euro is starting to go down  good. What go's up must come down you had a few good years there now join the suffering!

  10. Have you ever heard of "The Great American Debt"?

    We're dead up to our heads in debt!

    It's becoming harder and harder to find good paying jobs that are actually worth working for.

    I don't mean to be rude, but our recession seems like our own deal, as much as we'd love [probably] to pay you back, we have got our own problems here; haven't you heard?

    All we need Allies for is for this "war" that we've having;

    other than that, we try and be self-sufficient.

    I don't know when we're going to pay anyone back,

    but it really doesn't seem like anytime soon.

    Have a good day.

  11. That would be nice, but unlikely. People will just keep reaping the debt, and complaining about losing their homes.

  12. HI

    It's NOT the Americans at fault (I'm from UK) the Bankers on both sides of the "pond" that are to blame!! but they will not be paying it will be the tax payers in US and UK who have had to step in to bale them out, but will they get sacked........ no, I doubt it.

    So please can we at least get the right target with our sarcasm.

    Take care

  13. The check is in the mail.

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