
Could As The World Turns get canceled if Guiding Light gets canceled?

by Guest57662  |  earlier

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my sister said its possible because they are "sister shows"

or whatever. i hope not, because i love As The World Turns.

i use to love Guiding Light but i don't really like the storylines

or that they fired all the good characters.




  1. It could potentially, but I doubt it. ATWT has growing ratings, and is very popular. It is my favorite soap, and GL is a distant second. CBS would anger a lot of its watchers if they canceled ATWT or GL, for that matter. But if GL doesn't pick it up, I can see them being canceled.

    I agree, GL is worsening. I remember the good old days with Danny and Coleen and Josh/Reva. The new storylines are kind of boring, but I disagree about what you think about the newer characters. There are a few who I dislike (Grady, new Cassie, and Daisy) but some others have bettered the show (Ashlee, Cyrus, and Natalya). My favorite recast of all time and my favorite actress on GL: Marcy Rylan (Cassie). I'm still peeved about Beth (Ex-Harley) leaving, though!

  2. No, just because one gets the axe doesnt mean the other one will too. Look at NBC, Another World was cancelled, Not Days, then Passions got cancelled, again not Days. On CBS Generations was cancelled, but not Y&R, ATWT or GL.  

  3. techincally GL & ATWT are OWNED by Proctor & Gamble- Not CBS

    that is why they could be considered "sister" shows

    I was a big GL fan for over 10 yrs but I have totally quit watching after watching less and less over the last 3 yrs-sad what GL has become

  4. No because As The World Turns is still interesting, due to budget cuts lack of classic characters gone, GL has lost its niche. I used to love that show more than ATWT because of Roger Thorpe, Cat Speaks, Danvid Grant, Reva & Josh, plus Reva's evil clone that tried to marry Josh. GL was the "you know what" before all of them left / broke up, GL has just about shined all it could. ATWT will be all that again when they get Carly & Jack back together FOR GOOD.  

  5. One has nothing to do with the other.  But I would hope not because with James coming back ATWT is getting GOOD.  And I also hear that they are somehow going to being Dusty back.

  6. They could be considered sister shows as they are supposed to be relatively close in proximity to one another. Oakdale is supposed to be in Illinois and Springfield is in Illinois, other than that though, their similarities end. Moreso, Another World was *connected* to GL as they had some crossover characters from Bay City over the years....the one that stands out most in my mind is when Cass Winthrop came to Oakdale as a lawyer to defend I think it was Craig Montgomery....but he made a brief appearance in Springfield as well, also as Cass Winthrop....

    As the another answerer said, its possible for any show to be cancelled and it really doesn't affect one show should another be would be a shame though...both shows have been a part of my life for a long time and I'd hate to see either of them go.

  7. Just because one gets canceled, it doesn't mean the other will. It all really depends on the individual show and how they can entertain their audience. Even if they are sister shows, one may be watched a lot more than the other and like more, so there is still a huge chance that As The World Turns will not get canceled. On the other hand people may stop watching ATWT if GL gets canceled, just as I stopped watching Days when Passion went off the air. Its really a toss up, so just keep being loyal to your favorite show and hopefully it stays on for years to come.

  8. It's possible that any soap could be canceled.  Viewership is down and if the ratings to, so does the soap.  I'd hate to see any of the current ones be canceled.

    If GL gets canceled, it doesn't mean ATWT will be.

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