
Could BJ Penn move to featherweight?

by Guest57447  |  earlier

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Do you think BJ Penn could trim down and lose 10 pounds and fight in the featherweight class? If so, do you think he would win the championship?




  1. He could lose the weight but he won't.  He wants to dominate the division and make GSP lose weight and come to him.

    GSP vs. BJ = Dream match.

  2. Can he? Yes

    Should he? No, this is his perfect and natural weight, he should stay here.

  3. I Think Penn could still be feathwerweight and dominate (pardon the rhyme) but i don't think he'll want it. He's a natural welterweight, he cuts for lightweight, but i don't think he'll like to shed 10 more pounds. I  disagree that Penn could not win against GSP in a welterweight bout, remember Penn is a former welterweight champ, he's as good a welterweight and as a lightweight. don't get me wrong, i would love GSP to win that bout, but they're evenly matched, GSP has to go through h**l to beat Penn. So does Penn if he wants to beat GSP.

  4. I've always thought that BJ looked like a fetherweight that was fighting lightweight.  So yes, I think he could get lighter and win the championship.

    He wants to fight GSP.  I don't think he can beat GSP if he fights welterweight.  If they fight lightweight Penn could win.

  5. Yes a absolutely think that Penn could cut to that weight. He could win the featherweight title without question.

    And I absolutely believe that Penn could beat GSP. He beat Serra, and Serra beat GSP. And Penn is a better fighter now than he has ever been.

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