
Could Fertility Friend interpret my chart wrong?!!?

by  |  earlier

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Thats my chart, it says i ovulated on day 10 but i had no EWCM on that day. However apparently I am 9DPO, but i still got loads of EWCM!! Why??! Also I've had a dip in my temp this morning - why could that be?

Thanks girls




  1. Well, temperature-wise, FF would be correct. I noticed on your last chart your CM doesn't line up with your ovulation temp rise, either. Strange.  

    You have many open circles in your chart, are you temping at different times?  You also have dashes instead of solid crosshairs, which indicates that FF is not sure about your ovulation because your fertility signs don't line up close enough for the software to be certain.

    Your chart shows only 2 days 'till AF, so that could be reason for the cramping and temp drop. It's not uncommon to have some EWCM just before your period. It's due to an extra surge of estrogen.

    Unfortunately, this is just one of those wait and see situations. I hate it when that happens. ((HUGS))

    Good luck to you.

  2. Fertility friend is probably wrong in this case.  It is a sophisticated computer program but it is not 100% accurate.  Your temp do not seem to be varying that much.  Do you have a normal regular cycle? If you have irregular periods that can vary greatly very month and are greater than 35 days, then charting is not as helpful.

  3. It May Have...But Try I Like That Site Better...Best Of Luck and Tons Of Baby Dust

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