
Could Ghosts conceivably exist? Real ones?

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I Always Come to the Thinkers when I Want to Know




  1. Ghosts are real. If you still doubt it then spend a night in a graveyard visit a place where someone has been murdered brutally. Ghosts are shy creatures but they are real.

  2. I'm not sure how you can concieve a ghost!

    Im not sure what a ghost is ?

    Though i have seen a spirit ..... of family member

    after they died.   Some people would consider that

    a Ghost , i would not consider my vision  Evil or

    either Concieved, as it took me totally by suprise

    and scared me stupid at the time.

    Looking back in time i saw the reality of how harmless

    it all was and how innocent and natural the encounter was.

  3. Your question contradicts itself.  If Ghost exist, they must be real. Never met any unreal Ghosts, or the kids under the sheets, might be unreal Ghosts!  Ghosts were once people, they even might still be people, in another sphere, or dimension, or a faster vibration.  I  know, they are real, but can not proof it.  Knowing is the most difficult state of mind, you know, but you do not know, how you know!  Capice?


  4. Yes. They are mentioned in the Bible, particularly the books of Samuel.

  5. the bible says they are here and we just have to accept them and can't do anything about them. but they are considered evil.

  6. What do you mean by 'conceivably'? That someone could 'conceive' of ghosts existing?

  7. Hi, I'm Casper! Could we be friends?

  8. Whaaat??  You're not sure about ghosts?  Just who do you think puts the cash under the pillow when your milk teeth drop out?  What do you think those twinkly lights circling the compost heap at the bottom of the garden?  And how in the world do you think your car keys got in the refrigerator?  Need any more proof?

  9. no, there is no such thing

  10. I say yes. If you believe in Law of Conservation of Energy. If energy can not be created or destoyed, after death us humans (who contain energy) can not just be broken down and demolished. We may take another form (like Ghosts.)

  11. May be may be not dear.

    Thanks for asking

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