
Could Hillary Be The Next Hitler?

by Guest61020  |  earlier

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Could Hillary Be The Next Hitler?




  1. h**l NO !!!    Hillary is such a good  person.    Your question is a true insult to all Americans.    Hillary LOVES America and works hard for all People.

  2. Even better question:  Who told you to post this question here?

  3. I had no idea Obama followers are this dumb.

  4. No. As nasty as I perceive her, I can't imagine her killing 6 million people. A few, but not 6 million.

    When people call her "Hitlary" it's not because they really think she's like Hitler. It's probably because of what seems like her insane hunger for absolute power, and because she comes off as a sociopath (wrong or no affect). She's a sociopath, but not a psychopath.

  5. No Hitler was far right, Hillery is far left, she would be Stalin.

  6. Unlikely, even though I don't want her as President, I doubt that she wants to take over other countries

  7. That is an OBSCENELY stupid thing to ask without offering any kind of evidence.

  8. No, why are you looking for that job?

    It's amazing that someone would ask such a foolish question especially since she has NOT lied a country into a false war which has killed  THOUSANDS of innocent people (soldiers and Iraqi citizens).  Yet, righties get so bent out of shape when the same question is asked of Bush.  I think the question would be better suited to Bush.

  9. Could McCain be the next Bush????

    Bush has just as much blood on his hands as Hitler........

  10. well she is power hungry at any cost

  11. m8 I don't reckon anyone can really be compared to Hitler he's kinda in a league of his own lol but fair good question, hey if she grows a mustache u may be on to something

  12. It is impossible chad! But, i more choose Obama than her

  13. I would be concerned if hilary is elected president and her state of the union address begins with the "joke" "Two jew walk into bar.  None come out. HAHAHA." Then she might be Hitlary.

  14. Possibly! All i know is that she doesn't have my vote!  She'll be nothing but a little whiner. You can't whine and expect to get your way, Hillary! sorry to break it too ya. boo hoooo....

  15. Whoaaa there little Hitler pardner !!! jerk back on them reins hard !!! No way possible for "her" to be Hitlerian in any sort of policy fashion, except maybe getting even more "slugs" on the government payroll and mandating they wear uniforms and do little, if anything at the expense of taxpayer money ! BUT , not ALL is LOST YET (on your original notion)..IF I squint and use my her lose about 50 chubby pounds.....dye that hmmm, grow and color her mustache and trim it just right.....yep ! I think she could look......JUST LIKE old Adolph...right facial bone structure, except, I really think he would win in the handsome department.....hands down....she already looks manly !!!

  16. Why would she be?  

    Better question, what are the indications she will be???

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