
Could Hillary Clinton nominate Bill Clinton to be her running mate as VP?

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I don't know the legal ramifications of such a move (i.e. Bill perhaps serving as de-facto President should something happen to Hillary during her term) as there are term limits for the President. It seems that a Hillary / Bill ticket would be formidable.




  1. He's run out of opportunities to serve as President according to the Constitution.  However, he would be very involved in decisions coming from the Oval Office.  They have both stated he will be as involved as he wants to be.  Why would America want a Mr. and Mrs. Presidency?  Have we become so naive and weak in thinking these people are wanting to serve for noble reasons?  We need to wake up and pay attention to what's going on around us.

  2. i don;t think so, but it would seem like a good idea. even though bill had a different vp when he was in office, it was mostly hillary running the country, to tell u the truth. they were a pretty good team, although bill took a lot of hillary's credit for things happening in the white house. i do not see clinton/obama ticket working out too well, and i totally agree with pelosi on this one.

  3. Wouldn't be a good idea,and I'm for Clinton as President. I think she should pick someone,with a good name like Governor of Pennsylvania Ed Rendell,or Mayor Nutter who is Black, and is well liked in his community.Or maybe ask Gore One more time. Bill will always be in the White House for his opinion if required, but the final decision will be from Hillary, and I have complete confidence, she will make the right decision.

  4. Ditto!!!

  5. No, the constitutional amendment prohibits him from running for either President or Vice President, once he has served two terms.

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