
Could Humans From The Future Capable Of Time Travel Be Visiting Us In The Present?

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could this explain all the legit sightings of U.F.O's that seem to defy gravity, instead of aliens from outerspace it's really ourselves from the future trying to warn us or influence the choice's we have ahead of us.




  1. Why would they want to?

  2. it is hypothetically possible, but any interaction of any kind could cause a paradox and bring about their own nonexistence .

  3. sorry i don't agree. perhaps you have watched Terminator too many times.

  4. of course no.we can only predict.

  5. Well let me begin by explaining that I haven't seen any believable reports of UFO's or alien contact.  Every report I have seen is easily disputable for accuracy or is simply easy to explain.

    Secondly, if there are people visiting from the future trying to warn us of something, why don't they just... y'know, warn us?  I mean, if you have the ability to travel through time, how difficult would it be to verify your legitimacy?

    Time travel is a tough concept because it easily introduces paradox.  Read any sci-fi book about time travel and this subject pretty much always comes up.  I won't say it's impossible, but if it were possible, it would change all the rules.  Traveling back in time would have to open up a new universe, and that leaves the question of whether you have actually reversed entropy, or just traveled to a different place entirely.

    Hope this helps,


  6. You can be vaguely right.  It is covered in this material...

    (also [English Discussion Forum)

    If such a thing as space travel (intergalactic) is possible - then why not other possibilities - such as inter-dimensional travel to/from another universe, including time.  Of course this does not mean you can change time/events/etc.

    There is a great deal of content in the above - that will stretch your mind, etc etc.  I believe it is worthwhile absorbing it, at your own pace.

  7.   If there were time travelers from the future,they would be traveling to the past then back into the future,then the past

      All eras of time,past and future, would be filled with time travelers and would be known to us all.

  8. No, too many contradictions with logic.  If you go back in time and kill yourself, you would never exist to grow up, go back in time and then kill yourself.

  9. IF time travel ever becomes possible (and that's a big IF) it most likely will only allow us to travel back to times after the time machine was created.  How can you use a time machine to travel to a time in which a time machine does not exist?

  10. Nope. If it were ourselves from the future trying to warn us, then it would change the future and there would be nothing to errrr warn about.

    Besides as someone else pointed out - there are no legit sightings of spacecraft. Unidentified - maybe - but simplest explanation is simply that the observation has either been mistaken for natural or man made phenomena - or its a hoax.

    Ever wonder why all these supposed Aliens in their super sophisticated craft are so frequently observed but they can never be bothered to actually land in Trafalgar Square and say 'Hi'

  11. its a bit far-fetched but hey, with a universe this big who the h**l are we to say what can and can't be done

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