
Could I, as a non-US male, marry a Californian man and live in the US?

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I don't actually want to but I'm interested to know whether I could




  1. Now I have heard it it all. lol..

  2. You can't get g*y-married for a green card/citizenship, if that's what you're asking.

    The Federal government grants citizenship, travel Visas, etc.  The two main agencies are I.C.E. for immigration (formerly I.N.S) and Dept. of State (visas).  The Federal Government does not recognize g*y marriage.  This is bound to be challenged eventually, but it has not happened yet.

  3. I so hope not...  if so, immigration marriage fraud is going to through the roof.

  4. Ok this answer is from a Canadian, so I am not knowledgeable of US laws, but from what I know, immigration law in the USA is federal, while California state same-s*x marriage law is just that, a state law. I'm not sure same-s*x marriages contracted in California, or any country where it is legal, are considered legal in the eyes of the immigration federal laws, so that could cause a problem there.

  5. sure you could

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