
Could I Become A Surrogate Mum As A Job?

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I've Been Thinking For A While Now If I Could Become A Surrogate Mum And Live On That.. I Would Love Too Give Life Too Other People And I Love Being Pregnant. Of Course I Love Babies, But Im Not Ready For Them Right Now And Would Rather Make Someone Else Happy. I Was Made For Something And I Think This Is It :D




  1. yeah people to that all the time as their career ;) have you seen baby mama? that's a really funny movie on it. i commend you for wanting to do such a wonderful thing to help people experience god's precious gifts even when they can't produce themselves. it gives them another chance.

    good luck! =D

  2. I wouldn't see that as a long term career... Obviously you can be a surrogate for one or a few babies, however it is not good for your health to continue to do it over and over and over... Couples that "hire in" a surrogate normally cover their expenses etc but I am not sure you would be able to call it your "job"...

  3. I commend you on wanting to do this. There are many people who would love a child who simply cannont have them. If you asked this question in the Trying to Concieve section I'm sure you would get nothing but "yes, absolutly, go for it". Now, having said that, I would suggest you think about this good and hard. I LOVE being pregnant but it really does take a toll on your body. You change in many ways, both during the pregnancy and after the birth and on top of it..its not like all the changing stops after the first child. Your body in many ways is no longer yours for the entire duration of the pregnancy and if you're looking at doing this many times your body will not 'belong to you' for quite a while. Also, I'm assuming because you said you're not ready for children yet that you have never gave birth (maybe a silly assumption..?) but I used to think that I could be a surrogate until I had my daughter. After carrying her for 9 mths and giving birth to her there is NO WAY I could give her to someone wouldn't matter if it was the right thing to do or not. Again, good on ya for thinking of others...but remember to think or yourself as well.

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