
Could I Get Into Pro Wrestling?

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In few years could I I am currently 10 yrs old 215 lbs and 5'3 (Not really fat got some muscle very strong and quite fast.) Also how tall would I be when I am 18?




  1. Maybe, you need to get to be around 6'5''...

  2. well u cant be a pro Wrestler until ur at list 25 and about 6 foot and u no how to fack all the moves they do and not just think u can rell hit them but for shor u can get in to Pro Wrestling good lucke out there and have fun and i think u will be the best out ther give it all u got and u will make from amanda

  3. Does not matter, to get into pro wrestling you will need to go to a wrestling school for 4 years. 2 to train and 2 for live shows. Once then you could then go try out for WWE or TNA because you have had the requirements.

  4. few things

    1).u hav to be 13 to use Y!A

    2)look at the diff between big show and even bourne does size really matter?

    3)u will hav to go to wrestling school then try out

    4)and probaly around 6'3 when full grown

  5. u are retarded im 16 6ft5 inches tall and i weigh 215 pounds and im not fat there is no way you are the same weight as me if i am 6 years older than you and over a foot taller than you

  6. CPC, weight and height have no link to one another, go back to pre-school and learn how to count

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