
Could I add a Male Betta to a 30 gallon community tank with Bolivian Rams?

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I've had my betta in a 5 gallon hex tank with otocinclus and cory catfish for around half a year, and the Betta has NEVER shown any signs of aggression nor any fish have ever died. Do your research, and you'll find that Bettas can make great community fish. :)

He's the coolest fish ever. He will swim through my fingers playfully (yes, I wash my hands thoroughly), he even likes to rest on my hand and follows me if I move my hand. :) He's the man. I giggle when the cories follow him and he follows the cories, sort of like schooling together. Anyway...

I have a 30 gallon tank running, with a dozen neon tetras, panda corys, and two bolivian rams. The thing is, that all fish are all bottom-level, with only a neon tetra occasionally swimming towards the upper level. Since the betta is upper level, do you think I could include him in the communy tank? Would the rams be a problem? They're still quite young (I'm guessing 1 1/2 to 2 inches) and not aggressive either.

Would this combo work?




  1. Yes you can include your betta in your community with your bolivian rams.  I have the same set up, bolivian rams and a male betta and they are doing well together.  What you will probably see at the begining is that your Rams, although peaceful are also territorial so they likely will let your male Betta know who is the boss, but no harm done and after a few days it will balance out.

    It is a myth that a male betta cannot be a community fish, they are aggressive toward each other only!  I will probably receive a thumbs down for this comment, but I have had my male betta with guppies and platies and he did not think they were other bettas!  This is one example, whether it is popular or not, it has occurred here, with my Male Betta being quite gentle actually.  Go ahead and try it and if you see anything terribly ugly you can put your Betta back in his other tank.

    You will be pleasantly surprised, and your Rams will not do any harm to him, but they will initially not like their territory intruded upon.

    Good luck and Happy Fish Keeping!! :)

  2. that would be a definate NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!  the betta needs territorial space.  if you had like a 50 gallon tank, then it would be okay.  the amount of fish you have now is just fine in your tank since they take up all of the 30 gallons.  the betta needs a lot of space.

  3. You shouldn't have any problems.  One I can think of is that the betta is a slow moving long-finned fish, and may be a target for the rams.  Rams do stay toward the bottom, the tetras are considered a mid level dwelller.  Put him in and keep an eye on them for a couple hours.

  4. The rams are so colorfull and the neons are to that the male bettafish may attack them thinking they are another bettafish! I say float him in a bag and see if he shows any agression, if he does, do not put him in the 30 gallon.

  5. Yes you can but just watch him and the other fish to see if there isn't any fights.

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