
Could I be Pregnant By Any Chance?

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K, So Last Night I was at my boyfriends place and We had Unprotected s*x, it was 2 days after my period and We also had unprotected s*x while I was on my period as well.

When I was on my period it came earlier than usual and it was more heavier... Anyways when I came home last night I had a huge headache and I felt warm and sick.... I couldnt sleep at all and when I finally got to sleep and woke up at 6 in the morning I still had the headache and threw up...

I dont know what is wrong, I also forgot to take one of my birth control pills this week and took it the next day in the morning..

I usually forget to take them sometimes...

please help!


Please Help...




  1. If you had unprotected s*x, you absolutely can be pregnant. Especially, if you skipped a pill last week and you forget to take them sometimes.

    That said, it is way to early for pregnancy symptoms. They would not occur for at least two weeks, if not longer.

  2. You may be pregnant, because to have some symptoms. Taking a pregnancy test would be a good idea.

  3. proberly it was unportected s*x, you should wait a few weeks before buying a pregnacy test it might now be accurate

    hope i was a help

    ps.godd luck

    pss. i hope if you are pregant your boyfriend stays with you

  4. Alright, first if you don't want a baby and you had unprotected s*x last night, you should consider getting the morning after pill, plan b. If you are over 18 you don't need a prescription and you can get it at your pharmacy counter. If you are under 18 you can go to your doctor. Planned parenthood can give it to you for free.  You need to take plan b within 72 hours of unprotected s*x in order for it to be effective.

    That being said there is no way that your headache and nausea would be a sign of pregnancy so early. Symptoms would not start for a couple of weeks. You're probably sick with a cold or something.

    Get a different form of birth control. If you forget to take the pill, then it is doing you no good. There are IUDs and shots talk to your doctor about your options.

  5. Its possible that you are, and it is still too earlier to make that call. You usually dont start "getting sick" until you are about 3 months. I would just say it is stress. You have to wait and see!

  6. Also, just to let you know, sperm can stay alive inside you for 3-5 days.  That's right....3-5 days just looking for an egg.

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