
Could I be a good model?

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I actually think I could! :D

looove putting makeup on and dressing up and takin pics! I have mediumish dark blonde hair that goes like 2 1/2 in. past my shoulder. kinda like my avatars hair but I also have long layered side bangs. my eyes are dark hazel brown and big. I am about 5ft. 3in. almost 13 yr. old. I am thin (about 88 lbs.) and pretty tan. everyone says i have loooooong legs too. I do not have earlobes that hang down they just kinda attach to my head so i like that! haha! xD nooo acne, clear skin, pretty long neck. plez answer thx! :D




  1. My father is a photographer, doesn't take models under 18 years old.  You are also incredibly thin, another aspect some photographers don't look for actually.

    But every photographer is different.

  2. Full of yourself much?

    Models have to be at LEAST 5'9. If you walk in under that height, forget it. And that is without heels. To be a model, you don't just have to be pretty. You have to have a new, fresh, exotic look to become a real model.

    Have you watch America's Next Top Model? Ever noticed how those girls are just normal pretty alot of the time and after the show you never hear about them, thats why!

  3. post some pics

  4. Well, at 5'3" you're on the short side, but you likely still have at least one more growth spurt coming, so there may be hope (most models are over 5'7").  You're also a little on the too-thin side, so you'll probably need to fill out more.  Stick-thin models are out, because they're blamed for giving little girls a distorted idea of good body image.

    But being a model isn't all about taking pictures and being pretty.  It's a lot of hard work, and it requires a huge amount of commitment and business sense.  Even when you're sick, you're expected to show up and work if you've got a photo shoot, and you're expected to do whatever it takes to get the shot the photographer is looking for.  You also have to be able to read and understand EVERYTHING you (or your parents, since you're still a minor and cannot legally enter into a contractual agreement) sign, or be able to hire someone who can.

  5. you need to be taller, i was 5'6 when i was 13

  6. honestly there are so many different types of models you can do it, usually runway requires you to be taller, but determination is all you need start looking into the different types of modeling good luck!

  7. Too short right now to be a model. But if you grow and don't mind lying around for 8-10 hours at a time while people waste your time and ignore you, then go for it if you grow.

  8. u know I am 11 and I am 4'9!!! I wanna b a model! I don't like the runway because u have to be tall, and being photo shoot model sound better!!! U could be one even if u are cute or horrible[not saying ur are horrible nor cute]  as long as u know how to model and have skill of it that's fine!! My advice is that ignore the world if they say ur are short to b one because is ur dream n not others dream!!! If ur parent doesn't let u, then trust urself and sometime take time to practice too!!!! hope I help!

  9. grow taller and then we'll see

  10. if its something u want to do go for it girl!!

  11. Grow up first.

  12. You could! You just grow taller, and you could be a modle.

    Answer mine?

  13. you could in time...but you need to grow A LOT

    most agencies won't even look at you if your'e under 5'8

  14. grow! grow! grow!!!

    but like you can even be 6ft and have all of that other stuff and still be ugly so i suggest pictures wuld make it easier like a photobucket pic! they would make it easier for us to answewr the wuestion.

    and you ned to be alil older i htink too

  15. too short girl

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