
Could I be a model?? PLZ answer!! (Pics included)?

by  |  earlier

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Hi, so I'm 15 years old, I am 5'6" 1/2, and I weigh 117-118 pounds... a

And i know im overweight..

i was bored.and took lots of pics! lolAnswer honestly plz! but not too harsh!?

And If you think I could model, Do you know where i could submit my pics?
















  1. You can definetly model. You should take some classes make a portfolio and take them to a store.

    hmm i could see you modeling for zumiez, hottopic, or even forever21.

    5-7-9 might not be your style but there always looking for models.


  2. ya u could be some pics were ok and others are so it's like a 50/50 chance and ur SOOOOO NOT overweight!!

  3. Look, you are a cute girl. I will say that first, but no, I wouldn't imagine a lucrative career as a model. I don't see that.

    I can see you having a normal happy life and not having problems getting dates, but not a model. I won't criticize you further with the explanations why.

    Be happy.

  4. First off, the word "please" is not spelled with a Z

    Second, no I don't see the model thing coming from you

    Third, you're way too young to even worry about what you look like, much less post pictures like that where any freak can check them out anytime he wants

    Fourth, looks to me like you already think you know the answer to your own question based on your pictures.

  5. you make really weird facial expressions when you take pictures.

    but i think if you worked on not making your face akward you might be able to do SOMETHING

  6. no,

    in all of your pictures you look discusted or you look akward.

    you look like someone is forcing you to pose.

    your hair's SUPER messy, try a straightener.

    looks like you're trying WAY to hard.

    it looks like you copied your looks straight from a magazine or television show.

    not in that OMG CUTE kinda way.

    that annoying wanna be kinda way.

    sorry for being so mean!

    you're like not photogenic.

    try relaxing more

    take slow, deep breaths,

    look into the camera as if it was a a person.

    (crush, bestfriend?)

    hm, but i'd say stick more to a different oppupation.

    but, then again.

    you aren't done growing.

    but i still doubt it.

    but i guess try if you treally wish.

  7. youre not model skinny but you are thin!

    you are very mature for 15, and have that model look.  just in some pictures you look sort of washed/blown out.  but you are very versatile and could explore your potential.

  8. Well, I saw alot of mean answers on here. Dont listen to them. You are very pretty. You defiantely have that model look to your face. In some of them you look just a tid bit awkward. Soften your face just a little bit. Use lighter colored make-up. But anyways, I tried our for America's Next Top Model. I didnt make it to the T.V. Show part but I did get pretty far. And you are alot prettier than some of them girls I saw there. Try for that. You'll get far. Good luck!!!

  9. wow your verry pretty and look verry mature for just fifteen years old but yea you can do it girl

  10. Your hair don't look good on you and you look like your only 11 in your pictures.  I think you are great at modeling though and should probably get your parents to persue modeling school instead of modeling for Y!A.

  11. you are 15?? you are my age. you look pretty mature. you have that model look to you. you defintely know how to pose. and you have the looks. so go for it girl.

  12. I'd hit it!

  13. dude... u dont look 15 at aLL. u do have dat model 2u though.

    Oh and the guy above me... ur not g*y r u? i mean.. "go for it girl!"

    i mean really.. lol jk.

  14. First of all, you do not look 15 at all, you look older. And no you are not over weight for a model. I'm just going to tell you strait forward, you can do anything you put your mined to, you are a pretty girl but no I don't think you could be a model only because you look a lot older in the face. maybe its just your make up. try some other colors.


    No you cannot be a model sorry...

  16. If you, look this pretty at, 15, well you had better get a ballbat,

    to chase the guys away, in a year or so. LOVELY.

  17. no i dont think u can be a model its very hard. and u wont make it. i know because i used to work with a model and she told me its very hard.

  18. whoa.

    you look older than my mom. :x

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