
Could I be arrested for this?

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If I send people emails about asking where to get a certain drug. If it is a cop could they trace it and take me to jail?




  1. Yes....Soliciting to obtain a illegal narcotic is a crime. The police most likely will not bother wasting the resources unless it is a large quanity that you are asking about, but yes, they can arrest you for asking where to locate these drugs.

  2. That depends on the drug.  Asking where you can get aspirin, Viagra and other drugs requiring a prescription or ones available over the counter will not be illegal.  

    Asking where to get heroin, marijuana, cocaine or other illegal drugs will get you into trouble.


  3. They may not be able to trace you, nor do I think they will because you didn't do anything necessarily wrong in just purely asking... but if you do get caught trying to get the drug then you will be arrested.

  4. I agree with thatswhatsgood. In order to arrest you they would need to get a warrant from a judge. No judge would grant a warrant just based on that. You are not Pablo Escobar or some drug lord so they are not going to go through the trouble of getting a warrant and trying to make the charge stick in court (which it wouldnt) just by you asking about where to get drugs. Thats not illegal because they cant prove it was actually solicitation. You could be asking that for any reason. People ask that all day on yahoo answers just to be funny. You could be doing research on the subject for a book for all they know. But its not very smart either because if the people you are asking ARE drug lords or someone in the food chain of a drug organization, then you are putting them at risk because it may raise some red flags over them or if they actually come through for you, and they may retaliate against you if you get them in trouble. We didnt have emails when I was a teenager and I never had a problem finding anything or just calling people on the phone about that. Some of my friends were way too paranoid and made me always use stupid codes for certain words, but whatever works right.

  5. the police cant take you away for asking about it.

    if they trace your email location and go to your house and you HAVE the drugs. then thats a different story. but i dont think email is the safest way.

    try in person or on the phone

  6. Yes...don't do it.

  7. yes actually. if someone catches you  they can rat you out. even if you have used a fake name the cops can trace your i.p. address to your computer.

  8. i would think so. they can find your ip adress if they are a cop with the right resources, which can lead them to your house

  9. yes , just don;t do it.

  10. i didn't think so

  11. The people saying you will be traced, or that your IP will be snagged are just wrong. They are talking out their ***.

    For example, if a police agency wanted the call logs from a telephone company, good luck. It can take a very long time. Getting an internet company to deal with something like an email is even less likely.

    On top of that, getting an email or monitoring an email without a warrant is extremely illegal and is completely covered under the 4th Amendment. Unless someone takes it to a police officer, the cops can't get at it.

    And, even if they did, they would have to prove oh so many things.

    1.) That is your email

    2.) That was you who sent that email

    3.) You planned to use the information for something illegal

    A cop would probably look at the email and ask why the person was bothering them with that. Short of a parent finding it and taking it to the police and asking them to scare the bijesus out of you, there isn't much they can do unless you start admitting all kinds of stupid things.

    If you want to send your high school friends emails on who to get drugs from you're probably safe. Doesn't make it right, but you are more than likely safe.

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