
Could I be causing my ovarian cysts? TTC?

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I have never in my life had an ovarian before last month (July), and now this month I've devloped one on my other ovary, right ovary, too.

The only thing I've done differently over July & now August,

is add 100mg of vitamins B6 & 12 to lenghten my luteal phase even though it was already normal.

I was under the impression that I could make myself ovulate EARLIER, as my husband & I have more chances to have baby-making s*x earlier in my cycle.

But now I have found research that suggests I would make myself ovulate LATER.

So if I've been over-supplementing for no real reason with the vitamin B, could I be making myself not release the egg soon enough therefore causing it to over-mature/overgrow into a cyst these past two months?




  1. Vitamin B6 won't bring ovulation forward, as you've found out, but it can increase the time from ovulation to your next period. However, taking a supplement isn't going to give you cysts. Many women get them from time to time, but until you're TTC you're pretty much unaware of it unless you have irregular cycles. The egg itself isn't giving you cysts, so don't worry about that either. But you should really ask your doctor these questions as it's an obvious concern. Best of luck!

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