
Could I be charged with shoplifting for this, and if so what should I do?

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I bought 5 dollars worth of books at a second hand book store, like I do almost every weekend there, and on the way out I saw a book on the shelf That I picked up and looked at. I thought I had put it back down, but when I got home I realized it was in my bookbag. I don't think anyone saw me-since they would have not reason to be looking at me-and I don't think there was a camera watching. I want to go back tommorrow and pay for it when the store opens up, but am I creating a bigger risk by going back then by not saying anything?

I also paid by card, so they could track me if necessary.




  1. I doubt it.  Small shops rarely notice these things, especially if they didn't even have those things that beep when you go through without paying for something.

  2. The chances are slim. They probably don't even care or won't notice for months and months until they do inventory. Do you want the book? If so, I would just call it yours. If not, then take it back and just return it. That way you'll look like the hero and you'll be getting rid of something you didn't want anyway.

  3. it's a second hand book store, so it's unlikely that they have camera security or anything, and likely that they would appreciate your honesty in returning with the book. and anyway, there wouldn't be any reason to call the police or anything for returning it.  just go back, and calmly explain that you accidentally walked out with it after looking at it after making other purchases, and that you would like to legitimately pay for it.

    good luck! :)

  4. Go back tomorrow and pay for it.  Explain it like you did here.  You will feel much better after you do that and you will be comfortable shopping there again next weekend.

  5. since most items in second hand stores are items that are donated or discarded, the storeowner will be more than happy to take your money with a smile.

  6. No, by returning to pay you take away intent so you'll be just fine.

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