
Could I be clinically Depressed?

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I have been very upset for a long time, even when iam happy i am not truly happy, and i have had suicidal thoughts, although i would never act on them.

I have been havingtrouble sleeping through the entire night and I can go days without wanting to shower or see anyone.

I also hav noticed changes in my eating patterns, one day i wil eat as much as i can get my hands on and the next i will eat maybe half a meal the entie day.

Please help. I am scared to talk to my family about it.

My family life has been torn apart in the last couple of years and my brother is an alcoholic.

I am only in high school.




  1. I think it is very possible that you are clinically depressed.  However, only a counselor would be able to determine this for sure.  I would recommend talking to your family doctor or the school guidance counselor.  

    I am so sorry you are going through such a rough time.  I understand your struggles, as I have been treated for depression for many years.  Don't wait long to get help.  Treatment is available.  

  2. Listen to me friend. I have words of wisdom to aid your depression.

    After reading your terribly depressing question, I am sorry to say you do have depression. But so would anyone else in your position. But I have an answer.

    Depression is in the mind, weather anybody says its a disease and other nonsense its true.

    But there is a cure.

    The cure is music. Beautiful music. Inspirational music.


    Listen to inspiring music by Gigi d'Agostino, don't just listen to it.

    FEEL IT.

    It will take your mind of the sadness of the world around you. And pray to God everyday! This will cure your depression. Don't give up.

    I believe you can outlive this.

    May God Be With You.  

  3. You most likely are depressed. You could benefit from seeing a counselor.

  4. I think that you should talk to your parents because to need to get some help with this. I have had the same thoughts after I had two

    miscarriages last year. I needed to talk to someone about what was going on with me. You may think that it is going to be too much for your parents but you will feel better talking to someone about what is going on.

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