
Could I be dyslexic? My spelling is good, but my memory is atrocious. I Cannot Concentrate on anything. And i?

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and i cant understand forms that i need to fill out. The biggest problem is that i cannot concentrate Its extremely difficult for me to study. I'm 26 years old.




  1. yes...try using a dictionary

  2. I'd say no to dyslexia.

    Have you considered Attention deficit disorder? (ADD) Or maybe even Aspergers?

  3. It might be something called Wernicke's dyslexia.

    Check spelling!!!!!!!!

       Look up a brain anatomy website, familarize yourself with Wernicke's Area of the brain, then start doing research. I bet I'm right, the comprehension area of your brain is not on good terms with the perceptive part of your brain.

      Regular   Dyslexia usually means no spelling ability whatsoever.

  4. Dyslexia is when you can't read the words correctly and write them on paper. So I seriously doubt that you have that. I used to have the same problem and I am 22. You are most likely just disinterested in what you are doing. You need to focus on what you are doing and the ultimate goal in the end. That will help you concentrate a bit more. Also, when studying set small goals for yourself and don't procrastinate. If you break up studying day by day, you will be extremely proud of yourself! And this will give you time to go back and memorize key things. I used to have an extremely low GPA, but as soon as a started focusing and studying it went up to a 3.0! Also, if you don't feel like studying at times just attend a study group or set one up! This helps during times of laziness. Good Luck and don't give up!

  5. mayb u have ADHD

  6. I doubt that you have dyslexia. Dyslexia is a disability that primarily affects reading and writing skills. If you would like to take a look at the symptoms of dyslexia, check out this site

    If after reading this, you still feel you may have dyslexia, there are a few steps to take. If you are still in school, have your parents request an evaluation. If you are in university, go talk to the disability/resource center. They can most likely give you a free or low-cost screening, and then refer you for testing. If you are still in school or university, testing can be a great thing. They can offer you support and accommodations if you are found to be dyslexic, and if you aren't, they can explain your learning style and give you strategies to help. If you are not in university,ask your GP for a referral to an educational psychologist. If you aren't in school or university, you may not want testing. It is very expensive. However, if you feel that you need to know for your own peace of mind, go for it.

    However, it does sound like you may have adult ADHD. ADHD can cause many of the problems you are having. Here is a site with symptoms

    If you would like a testing, go and talk to you doctor.

    Good luck at any rate :)

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